DISCLAIMER: Yes, this will probably only affect valinor and other small starting nations
With the new SOI, diplomatic stances and DP aren't a thing any more, this did not affect any nation to my knowledge other than valinor... reason is simple, we were the only Non-Interventionist in the game as we are neutral and it allowed us to spam alliances at a very low DP cost, meaning we can ally with alot of nations for protection while we were still relatively small nation in number and DP pool.
With the addition of SOI we have lost that edge over other nations as now any nation can make as many alliances as they wish with no in game cost..., in other words ccnet mods removed neutral nation status from the server mechanics, leaving us with all the hard work of securing and maintaining alliances while getting back non of the old benefits.
I have 3 possible suggestions to implement to bring back neutral nations into the game:
1. Neutral nations gets 30% upkeep reduction
2. Neutral nations members pay no ah or shop tax
3. Neutral nations towns recive 0.25% increased town resources for each active member in town
Ofcourse any one of these suggestions should be implemented alongside the old siege joining limit of neutral nation (non interventionist).
As a further note, if a change is not made in ccnet to accommodate neutral nations in the near future I will be forced to disband valinor, close the t.t.c and join a "normal" nation. Unlike what many thinks, running an actual neutral nation is 10x times harder than running a normal nation. And with the new SOI, this is simply not worth it anymore