Part 1 Ally limits
So before adjusting the effects for each, we can replace the DP cost of alliances with limits based on the stance and converted from the limits in the DP system. These are based off of Balances Stance limits without starting or joining a siege. Under the old system a balanced nation also would receive 1 extra ally per region, and 2 per theatre based on the DP bonuses. This could be factored in or not depending on how the balance works out with SOI.
Siege starting limit per nation should remain 2.
Possibly create a limit for sieges involved in as well?
Balanced Stance. allies are 10 DP each
Under the DP rules (with no sieges)
>100 Players 7 allies
100-199 players 9 allies
200-299 players 10.5 allies
300-399 players 11.5 allies
400+ players 12 allies
I’d round the halves up and say for a balanced stance the limits are
>100 Players 7 allies
100-199 players 9 allies
200-299 players 11 allies
300-399 players 12 allies
400+ Players 13 allies
To adjust for the other I’d just increase or decrease the number of allies according to the old DP ally reduction or increase percentage. Rounding up for .5 or greater and down for .49 or less
>100 Players 9 allies
100-199 players 11 allies
200-299 14 allies
300-399 15 allies
400+ 16 allies
>100 players 5 allies
100-199 players 7 allies
200-299 players 8 allies
300-399 players 9 allies
400+ Players 10 allies
>100 Players 4 allies
100-199 players 5 allies
200-299 players 6 allies
300-399 players 6 allies
400+ Players 7 allies
These numbers may be a little high, and lead to the continuation of the current mega alliances that exist currently (and can certainly be tweaked for balancing). However with the range limits that SOI creates, hopefully we see smaller regional conflicts more frequently, and the larger alliances are more commonly used for the regions, rather than 1 huge siege each weekend.
Part 2 following shortly with adjusted effects for all stances