With recent events it has become evident that SOI while a good thing is having unintended consequences upon weaker nations due to the stronger nations which live far away controlling the regions uncontestably allowing them to go to sieges across oceans. This allows what happened at brigantia this weekend to happen 3 nations Canada, Greenland, and Rome to come to a siege of one nation plus town hoppers. What happened at this siege was a weaker nation which could be any nation was attacked by regional enemies which called upon their pre-soi alliance which was able to attend the siege due to regions which it held. if the goal of this update was to make it so conflicts and alliances were regional it fails due to this right here, a regional war between let's say Greenland and Canada would become global due to regions where Rome can help their ally across the ocean from where they live, so a small nation attacked by a regional adversary would lose due to the already stronger side because their team dogpiled on them.
tldr: region soi bonus currently only makes stronger sides stronger and weaker sides weaker due to stronger sides being able to come across an area which they do not have a fort in. SOI is good but the regions make conflicts between already strong and weak sides very one sided
Also regions already have enough bonuses to be worth contesting soi shouldn’t be needed for them