We should add the space plugin for movecraft, it would simulate real solar systems and introduce new types of battles and crafts, this would also give the option of a space race for each nation to compete in. It would also add more blocks and resources to work with and it allows for more new discoveries . Each planet would have a unique valuable resource, (e.g. methane, dry ice, gold) this is just some examples of what some may be. there would also be the aspect of the unknown with players being able to be the first to step foot on a new planet with no map, players will be able to be the first to map out there planets and explore into the unknown, one thing would be an online map of each planet only being made public after a certain amount of players, nations have set up outposts there, another thing(if possible) is making it so each nation can only have one or two towns in space (perhaps in a space station) and nationless people not being allowed a town, there by making sure earth isn't abandoned. ships (or at least long distance ships) would also have to be made out of valuable materials to make space travel a late game mechanic and to add space piracy. Tre_2020 pointed out the idea of a siege region for places like the moon so I think that that would be good for each nation to fight over the moon and or other planets. There would be 5 types of space ships. there would be an orbiter(short range, can only exit atmosphere then needs to dock to larger ship) shuttle(short to mid range, can travel to the moon before refuling) Capital ship(Long range, needs to be built in space unless fitted with specific thrusters, used for space battles, similar to aircraft carriers in the sense that they can carry other vehicles, can travel from earth to saturn and can potentially leave the solar system if fuel capacity is big enough) the coloniser(highest range ship, similar to the capital ships but 3x as large, not as armed so would be better with an escort of capital ships, only use is for mass relocating of civilisations) and escape pods(low range, can only launch from larger ships, one weapon for defence, must dock to another ship) side notes, Fighters will work in space but only if they are airtight
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