Hello CCNet Admins [or whoever is reading this] this is my reasoning for adding bundles to CCNet nations:
I understand not adding shulkers as they would mess up the whole point of movecraft. But i think bundles would be useful, while not being overpowered. They can only hold up to 64 item slots so movecraft would still be needed to transport large amounts of items [concrete, redstone, wool etc], But I think bundles could be useful for new and experienced players alike; This more of a personal example but for example when selling paintings with multiple parts on the auction house, I have to list them separately. But with bundles I could list them all in one go [keep in mind the 10% ah tax would make it a bit more expensive than if sold individually. You could also add a bundle as part of the new-player kit to help them with early game storage.
Thank you for taking the time to read my suggestion.
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