With afk limit being 15 minutes some items are now non obtainable at a reasonable time (like sc, amythest and wool) where the only current option is to afk farms at a long time intervals, for most that is not possible now, so with ineusia recommendation to solve this with new additions to game I came up with this:
Wool- add sheep spawners in vote shop for now and in nether when it resets. This would also result in sheep farms moving from peaceful towns to non peaceful towns making other passive mob farms in them less constraint by mob limit
Sc - zombies which are the most useless spawner now drop sc too at a 1-3 sc a zombie without looting applied
Vanilla crops - most can be solved with vanilla bonemeal setups and sf crops accelerator (it is bugged tho so a fix should be rushed)
most of time consuming sf machines like food composter or refinery that takes 30+ mins for a few stacks could be solver with tier addition(for example a tier 2 food composter takes a little over 30 mins to process 9 stacks, filling them is very quick so you must afk them )
Block based items like amythest, lava from dripstone and powdered snow farms will take a hit and I don't have a solution for them but they are niech items and aren't really necessary
*will add an extra suggestion go sheep spawners by including witch and enderman spanwers in the same method
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