I think the largest issue on the server right now. . . Is paper. Due to the scarcity and regional limitations of sugarcane.
Duct tape is a requirement to accomplish anything, as it is the only way to effectively repair enchanted tools and armor. This recipe requires paper, which at the moment is only reliably obtainable via large, biome-dependent, redstone-powered farms that are most productive when afk. River and coastal biomes are sporadic and not dependable for nations in the northern hemisphere, which leads to a lot of intercontinental trade and warfare for resources outside of those nations' domain. The afk limit "nerfs" this even further and will drive inflation for sugarcane mostly for nations that cannot reliably produce this themselves, perhaps spurring even more intercontinental battles for land that meets the requirement.
Since this item is of great importance, there should be an additional method to obtain paper for duct tape so nations and regions can produce and trade these items locally.
Members of the community have come together and come up with the idea of using a grinder to grind logs into wood pulp, which can then be added to the heated pressure chamber to create paper. The return rate here could be pretty low, but still good enough to provide a reasonable alternative to paper. Perhaps 1 log = 1 pulp (this could be slightly adjusted by tree type, ie bamboo would be 4 to 1, or spruce could be 2 to 1, etc.), and then 32 pulp = 1 paper? (This portion would remain static)
Considerations may also need to be made to adjust returns or growth rates for certain types of trees depending on biomes, as places in Africa shouldn't be converting to massive spruce farms, just like the Northern Hemisphere can't use sugarcane.
I believe this suggestion would improve QOL on the server, add a better introductory mechanic for new players that contributes to their local economy, localize economies, reduce server wide conflicts, and cut back on lag and afk farming.
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