The Server is meant to be centered around player-driven economy, and concept of Server Shops seems to go directly against that.
And with expirience we had with N1 outposts, Zaify seems hesitant to consider re-adding server shops in their base form.
But, the problem with player-driven economy simply not functioning properly on ccnet is evident, and it is not an overstatement to say it simply CAN NOT function without any outside interferance, considering the mindset of average player.
Also, Most of Player shops are unconvinient to use due to relative difficulty for an outsider to navigate trought a completely player-built town with limited perms and design not primarly aimed for ease of acess, combined with the fact that nobody can guarantee your safety in other players town, and the stigma tied with "trading with the competition", so this problem simply presists unless there is gonna be a player who is completely gonna dedicate himself to building a town that is neutral, easy to acess, and acts as an outpost, while earning everyones complete trust and managing to advertise his shopping town to the point that everyone is aware of its existance, which simply isnt gonna happen.
So, i tried to come up with an idea that will allow the developers to regulate the economy with Server-Shops without completely ruining the idea of Player-Driven economy in process.
The idea i came up with is hardly even considerable in current N2 setting, so it should be either expanded upon or only considered as a future possibility in case of a "fresh start"
And the idea is:
Build an Outpost that has Server shops, that function as player shops and are owned by Zaify, or by a NPC, which has limited balance, and limited shop capacity,
then, the prices can be carefully calculated (i already have few documents about ratios that are simply multiplyable by amount of money earned per min, to easily decide price of basically every single useable item) and shops can start as half full, this way, its easy to sell and buy from other people indirectly (if sell and buy prices are same), and its impossible to infinitely grind trash and keep selling it, becasue as long as nobody buys it, shops are gonna stay full.
This is very easy to combine with game mechanics that would be aimed to give purpose to massively grindable items, while limiting their "grindability" to geographical locations (think of making OP brewery plugin potions, that require immense amount of recourses to make, for example 15 Hay Bales, 32 Seeds,
Distilled, Aged, for 1 Strenght 3 potion, with Potions such as Speed, Regen, or even Resistance tied to different biomes), so players would theoretically massively farm crops that grow on their biome, ship them to outposts to sell somewhere where they are in demand (outpost that has empty chests that buy their materials) and buy recourses that the said outpost has supply of, on their way back.
This way the economy is completely player driven but the "logistics" part of it is handled by the server.
Congratulations if you managed to read to the end of this pile of Text.
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