People who apply for staff, aka Helper, Moderator,Admin etc.. Can't join any nation. You may ask why? You may say this is a stupid worthless suggestion, before u say that hear me out and maybe u will change your mind..
The reason(s) I am making the suggestion are unfair gameplay, which contains (sieges,false theft creations, instant reporting legal stuff, making it illegal and threaten the admins), unfair punishments, unfair responding advantage to tickets, ban appeals. Staffs that are in a nation, talking about probably Helpers, and Moderators have a bond with their nation players, and they are probably willing to do anything for they nation that they can as a staff. If u are an enemy of the, let's say "staff nation" then u are playing with disadvantages. The Staffs of the Nation also willing to help the powerfull allies of theirs. Which means they get fast respond on tickets, ban appeals, reports on other players, and "bug abuses". A normal player just like me, opened a movecraft theft design ticket, like more then a month ago and it still haven't been solved, but the same time hundreds of other people who has good relationship with these "staff nation(s)". Which makes the gameplay instantly uninteresting, unfair. Ccnet is the best geopolitical server u will ever find/founded , (as the server itself and some really respectable staff). I do respect every staff, BUT there's a borderline. When a major nation, let's say additionally losing a siege, ( which has relations to a "staff nation" will just open up hundreds and hundreds of tickets of something really stupid thing, which will make staff change rules, changing a server feature, or even remove a server feature. Since January, no, after 3-5 months my joining on CCNET I already felt this issue's. People just threaten staff that if they won't so something they want they will "quit the server" "ruin ccnet" "kill ccnet" etc..
To be honest I am getting really bored of this, nations is just a cycle, every time a siege comes u open up some tickets which contains actual buggs, unfair advantages, abuses. Most of the time your ticket gets answered by a staff member who doesn't like you and your ticket either way gets ignored ( what happened to me ) or they will just close it. This is the same with punishment appeals, but it's rare. I won't say I would make a great staff, no because I wouldn't. A lot of people wants to enjoy the server which is understandable, but it's slowly but surely getting more and mor unenjoyable when U know there's litterally nothing you can do. When I try to say my opinion I always get punished and shit on but I feel like I had enough, I feel like I played CCNET enough to have a valuable opinion, I think everyone should have an opinion and a suggest to make the server better. It's just hilarious how many times ( some staff ) abuses his/her powers and gets away with it, hilarious that they planning to win sieges, wars, fights with just opening up hundreds of tickets. And if U try to do something against it, you will get ignored, laughed on, and maybe even punished