If the purpose of 10k was to stop Mega nations from having settlements on the other side of the ocean and stealing towns then I have to say some happened but some remained the same.
While a nation like Canada cant have a logical land connection within the same continent, another nation from across the ocean can have towns all over the Eastern Coastline and even Western Coastline of North America directly. Now this simply seems unfair as we lose a quarter of our nation and have to split off half of it but some nations still keep blobbing on the other side of the ocean by barely being on the range. For a good example all u need to do is open a map and look at North America and how an African nation like Songhai has towns all the way to Hudson Bay and Baja California. (Nothing personal with Songhai I have them allied and using them as an example cuz its the one closest to me)
Im not saying they shouldnt be able to hold them. Im saying that to make the expansion more logical to the 10k rule, make nations that are for example based in Europe/Africa need Vassal nations to settle towns in continents like North America, South America, Australia and faraway parts of Asia and vice versa.
Because its simply making the whole 10k thing feel damaging for new world nations solely like Canada and Southamerican Union while our land borders were totally normal we just couldnt fit in the range of capital because yes the continents are vast and large but not massively settled like in Europe and never will be. Meanwhile other nations can still do what the 10k rule prevented by settling their capitol on the tip of their continental coastline and have towns on the new world and intrude those continents with no penalties.
I think a rule would fix this issue better than just adding a range, like forcing nations to not go too far in other continents without making vassal nations, as if they were making actual colonial nations that would need better managment than being directly ruled from the old world. Otherwise I find thise whole update hypocritical when I see which nations got affected the most compared to "Meganations" and the purpose of the update Zaify stated.