There are plenty of towns that are occupied. Some from conquest, some for scutle and protection. I personally believe that sieging an occupied town and the only option being is to liberate it is an exploitable issue.
I personally suggest that if you siege an occupied town thats not allied to you, you start a "Conquest" siege rather than a "Liberation" siege and to prevent tomfoolery you make it that only the nation that occupies them can surrender the siege rather than the mayor. In the end of the siege u have an option to occupy the town rather than unoccupy it from the previous holder.
This would solve willingful occupiations to avoid meaningful sieges and would open space for more sieges in general. I dont see why this isnt a thing yet as it's rather exploitable to have only liberation type sieges for occupied towns if you think of it and more cases I see of it popping up other day.
I've wanted to make a similiar suggestion since the moment I realised you can willfuly ask a nation to occupy you (this was around February 2022 or whatever) so here it is.