Auto potting as a concept is quite controversial, since it lowers the skill floor and ceiling of pvp, which is fair enough.
Im here to suggest a different kind of auto potting, one which actually takes into consideration what the purists want so dearly to protect.
This auto potting feature would be fully togglable (with a sizeable cooldown between toggling it on and off) so people who are confident can continue doing what they do best
The health threshold that the pots is set above their full healing potential, as to make using the feature less pot economic as to maintain the benefit of having built up these skills
Additional restrictions could be put in place as to prevent players with autopotting having a short term advantage (like applying weakness(*) for .5 of a second)
Now, onto my reasoning for suggesting this, most sieges I have the pleasure of watching in the shadows contains the same groups of people, with the occasional batch of purists drafted in from (insert pvp server here). The players that sit on the sidelines either want nothing to do with pvp (fair enough), or are offput by height of the skill floor and lack the time/motivation to practice the skill.
Auto potting does not solve the problem of a lack of motivation or the actually skill gap, but simply makes sieges more accessible and high ranks more receptive to sending newer people out since at least they know that player wont die with an inv of health pots within the next 7 seconds.
Anyhow, please provide constructive feedback as i wish to learn more about the topic