Converting Milk to Heavy Cream is a rather tiring process. U have to put the bucket with milk in the dispenser, exit dhe dispenser, right click the ctable and then enter the dispenser, remove the bucket, insert another bucket and so on. This doesnt sound like much work till u realise how exhausting it is for stacks if Heavy Cream.
Whats the issue?
Simple. Milk doesnt Stack. On top of that, the recipe doesnt work when a bucket is present in the Dispenser. This results in you having to add a bucket and remove one each time u want to produce 2 Heavy Creams.
Potential fix would be to make Milk Buckets to stack in stacks of 16 atleast. Another Fix Ive thought of is making one use glasses to milk Cows with and they drop you a Glass of Milk that stacks to 16. U spend the glass and get the item when u right click cows. On top of that when u use the recipe for Heavy Cream u could make it use the Glass of Milk instead and make it not return the glass so the Dispenser doesnt clog and u can practically spam Heavy Cream.
This would be so helpful for cooking!