Click here to read the previous dev blog (#6) - Province Attributes
Welcome to the seventh experimental plugin development blog, where I discuss a suite of custom plugins being developed for our rather secret gamemode, provisionally called "CampaignWar" (CW). Today, we discuss the latest plugin in this line, Border Raids and Naval Battles. These are partly based on assaults on Nations, so I recommend familiarisi...
Click here to read the previous dev blog (#5) - Seasons and Weather
Welcome to the sixth experimental plugin development blog, where I discuss a suite of custom plugins being developed for their own gamemode, provisionally called the "CampaignWar (CW) gamemode". Today, we discuss the latest plugin in this line, Province Attributes, and cover some changes to TownyBuildings.
Click here to read the previous dev blog (#4) - CampaignWar Ultimatums and War Declarations
Welcome to the fifth experimental plugin development blog, where I discuss a suite of custom plugins being developed for their own gamemode, provisionally called the "CampaignWar (CW) gamemode". Today, we discuss the latest plugin in this line: Seasons.
Seasons have been one of the most requested additions to CCNet. Over 11 suggestions have been made calling for their implementation over the years, but I have refrained from adding them owing to t...
Click here to read the previous dev blog (#3) - TownyBuildings
In the first dev blog, I introduced CampaignWar - a custom war plugin being developed for a test gamemode. If you haven’t read it yet, you should do that first. We introduced the world, which is divided into provinces, and how individual provinces are captured during wars (through “province attacks”).
Today we w...
In the previous dev blogs (#1 and #2), I introduced CampaignWar, a custom war plugin in development that is designed for its own gamemode. But this gamemode is not only about testing changes to conflict. Whereas CampaignWar overhauls how wars are fought, another custom plugin – TownyBuildings – seeks to give a purpose to building inside towns.