Owner: Ashes43
No Design Name
Craft: Cruiser
Rights: Ashes43
Owner: Ashes43
No Design Name
Craft: Cruiser
Rights: Ashes43
Owner: Ashes43
No Design Name
Craft: Destroyer
Rights: Ashes43
Owner: Ashes43
No Design Name
Craft: Corvette
Rights: Ashes43
Ba-14 concept for a new air superiority fighter to replace my aging doritos
Rights: Oceanic empire
Thruster Fighter
Craft: Fighter
Name of the ship design: Guardian class corvette
In-game names of the ship design owner(s): Mr_Smiley_Doll
Screenshot of the ship design: https://1drv.ms/i/s!AixWi0sam7SegfJocuQpgB8-Zfnl7Q?e=MkyfJC
Thruster Fighter (reupload)
Mustache Fighter
Poseidon's Grace(fighter)
The Elite Penguin(fighter)
RC Missile(fighter)
Stone Monarch(bomber)
ALL designs are ALL rights to: has_z