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Nation Flag Approval Guide
galacticwarrior9 Admin Member
23 posts
14 topics
6 months ago

Using /n flag, you can submit a flag for your nation that will be displayed on the Nations map. Here's how:

1. Create a flag image. Make sure it is 200x100, and that it is saved in the a .png or .jpg format.

2. Upload it to the website. Reply to this thread and upload the image as part of your post. You must use the "Upload" function.

If the upload is successful, you'll switch to the General tab. Click "Save".


3. Send the reply and copy the image link. Right-click the image and select "Copy Image Link", or your browser's equivalent. If you did Step 2 correctly, the link will look like  https://ccnetmc.com/uploads/post_images/<your file>.<file extension>


4. Go in-game and type /n flag set <image link from Step 3>. You must be the nation leader or co-leader to use this command.

5. Wait for the flag to be approved by staff. You can see the status of your flag application using /n flag status. If it is approved, it will appear on the map! Please be patient and do not directly ask staff to review your application - we will be notified of its submission.

If you want to remove your flag, use /n flag clear.

Last edited: 6 months ago x 7
Davifrancis60 Member
12 posts
7 topics
6 months ago

Meowsalod Helper Member
4 posts
0 topics
6 months ago

Last edited: 6 months ago
GamingGoneDope Member
2 posts
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6 months ago

antogeo Admin
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6 months ago

Contt Member
7 posts
2 topics
6 months ago

Dhiras Member
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6 months ago

Csipok_ Member
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6 months ago

Desolate8 Member
2 posts
1 topics
6 months ago

Thank you for adding this!!!


x 1
MattszBR Member
6 posts
1 topics
6 months ago

etm flag

Last edited: 6 months ago