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The 1st NCR Civil war
Xmo019 Member
8 posts
7 topics
Minecraft: Xmo019
9 months ago

The Formerly NCR-Enclave Sub Command Has Revolted after being Barred From running in the NCR elections Polls showed The Enclave party getting 40-30 Percent of the Vote Making it the Second Largest Party in the NCR. At the moment the Enclave troops have control of Fort Marxograd and New Vegas. a Statement from the head of the Enclave Xmo019 Who Replaced TheHolyCheesus says "The NCR has failed to Persevere Democracy "Comrade (Leader of the NCR)" Has established a Dictatorship and has Complete Control of the State. In addition to the General Enclave Revolt, the Communist Party has Unexpectedly stood with the Enclave Rebels. This development is expected to Hamper the NCRs Expansion East as the Former Border Lands of Navada are an Enclave Stronghold Notable Members who have joined the Enclave Include TheCheesus(Writer of the Rise of the NCR announcement lol and Governer of Navada), Xmo019 Current Head of the Enclave and Ran the Enclave-NCR subcommand and Ran Alongside Cheesus in the NCR election as VP, and Marx Leader of the Communist Party.

New Flag of the Communists, Flag of The Enclave Party, and Flag of the Nation