Ah Korhal, the eternal fort. I have seen the end of days and years from now men will say, "Here began the fall of Thracia."
The power of the Thracian Senate was taken from the many and given to the few. Those who wore the golden wreath grew sick with every kind of weakness. They were filled with greed, deceit and malice. They condemned and enslaved. They betrayed their allies and kicked out those they loved.
They did all this and called it just.
"And I saw in his hand a book, sealed with seven seals, the first of which was broken. And behold a white panda, and he that sat on him had a katana, and he went forth to conquer."
They made ready for war.
The Nasrids grew in strength and number. Their roots went deep and they felt the desert's blood pounding through the dunes. But their borders were threatened, for a great storm raged in the west.
One by one the tribes scattered, as seeds in the wind.
"And behold a red panda, and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth."
The blood of their kin would be avenged. Great hunters, they tempered their blades in Thracian blood and saw their once mighty walls reduced to dust.
The air was filled with smoke and blood.
The world had fallen into shadow. The earth grew cold and the wind whispered of death.
"And I beheld a black panda, and he that sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand."
Kaytetsu was born. All knelt before him! For they knew he would devour the earth and set on fire the foundations of the mountains.
"And behold a pale panda, and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him."
His wrath would engulf the world and he delighted in watching it burn. The tribes looked to Kaytetsu, and the world trembled.
Abandon all hope.
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