The Canadian Times: The War for the North Continues
On this glorious end of July weekend, those foreign thieves lost the suppression siege on fort Nova Prospekt, for whom they greedily denied to release back when both the Canadian Dominion and these thieves were ranking members of the Coalition. Unfortunately, ‘coa’ leadership ultimately decided to side with these outsiders rather than their long-time friends, thus prompting major political shifts all over the world in such a short period of time this summer of 2024.
Regardless, within the next few hours, the beautiful sight of the Canadian regions turning red again (due to our incredible -40,000 point victory) will shine forth a new era of progress and glory! Our great plans can now continue as we work to establish a large and prosperous nation in the Americas but, the threat of these outsiders still holds in the North Eastern part of the Americas.
The conquest siege on Brigantia was an intense battle between the combined force of Imperium Romanum, Empire of Columbia, Canadian Dominion, Inuit Empire, American Syndicate, and the Kingdom of Greenland vs the entire Coalition and Vinovia. This was a rather close fight that danced back and forth between the sides for two days straight, leading all the way up to the final session which decided the outcome. It’s clear that this War for the North will continue to be waged for quite some time and only time will tell how this conflict will conclude.
Thank you for reading! This has been Lord Tre_2020 of the Canadian Dominion. Have a good morning, good afternoon, and good night!
Last edited: 7 months ago x 2