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Enclave History from beginning to End
Xmo019 Member
8 posts
7 topics
Minecraft: Xmo019
7 months ago

The Enclave was a nation located in Nevada with its capital at Las Vegas and later Phoenix Arizona for a short time. The first version of the Enclave was called the “Enclave-NCR subcommand” and it was located at its base called “Enclave Central Bunker” but it fell after an attempt to move the Enclave to Alaska was thwarted by Alaskan raiders and anyone left made their way to Las Vegas to help the NCR and around this time The Enclave-NCR sub command turned into the Enclave Party so it could run in the NCR election were it was drawing large percents in the double digits with a Cheesus-Xmo019 bid but do too cheeses’ extreme stance the Enclave was kicked out of the NCR and forced to fight for its survival as shown in the “First NCR civil war article. but under cheesus’ leadership, the enclave lost battle after battle and was pushed to its limits. so at this time, a movement emerged to escape to Greenland and build up but Cheesus was against this. So the Escape Movement couped him beginning the rain of Xmo019 who began a new strategy of only leaving the town when there was no other choice and building up full sets to go head to head with the NCR troops. This culminated in a series of battles where the Enclave held its own and even prevented further NCR advance. but within the ranks of the Enclave cheesus was determined to retake leadership so a new conflict emerged called “The Enclave Civil War” were two other states formed called “the provisional government of Nevada” based around Phoenix and “The communist republic of California” based around Fort Independence but the remanded of the Enclave quickly convinced the communists to rejoin and soon isolated the provisional government to the point it dissolved and around this time Texas joined the war on the Enclaves side. All this momentum culminated in the Battle of Stegstan where a combined Enclave, Texan force camped Stegstan and made a fortified hill that was named “god bless the Enclave Hill” soon after a peace deal was made beginning the short time of Enclave Independence. But soon after Alaska invaded the NCR and because of the Enclave's hate of Alaska they rejoined the NCR to fight the Alaskan threat but not everyone agreed a small insurrection began in a place called Death Valley but it was a minor issue. Soon after the Enclave Leader Xmo led a bid for the NCR presidency in a close race between Alaskans, Enclave, and NCR candidates but we will never know who would have won since Alaska took the NCRs only fort through a spy ending both the NCR and the Enclave 

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