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The Canadian Times: Major Victories Across the Globe
Tre_2020 Member
14 posts
11 topics
6 months ago


The Canadian Times: Major Victories Across the Globe

Picture by Ekko


Major victories have been won across the globe this past week or so. In China, the Coalition stood no chance at Asgard Castle. The Anti-Coalition Front held strong with a 40k lead for several sessions. The enemy simply had to retreat to the American sieges to avoid further embarrassment. Some, in desperation, tried to bring it back in their favor toward the end of the battle but the attempt was futile and Asgard successfully defended.

At Canadian Dominion's Nova Prospekt, I must say this was an incredible fight. The lead kept bouncing back and forth, leading all the way up to the final session. We took the initiative and capped the banner while the enemy was distracted and when they inevitably came south to fight, we held strong. The Coalition attempted to push the banner many times but they were no match for our pvpers on the ground, the occasional IFVs, and the snipers on the roof. I must give a great many thanks to whoever was shooting those howitzers from Cicuta. What impeccable aim you have (missed every shot).

Unfortunately, we were left with the decision to either free Nova or Colvmbia in the end but we did manage great victories at the American, South Atlantic, North Atlantic, the Mediterranean, Scandinavian, the Indian Ocean, and the Pacific siege regions. In time, we will meet the Coalition at Colvmbia once again, that is, if they don't lose faith in their beloved pet in the North Eastern corner of North America by then.

Stay tuned for more news in the coming weeks.

This has been Lord Tre_2020 of the Canadian Dominion. Have a good morning, good afternoon, and good night!

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