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The Downfall of E Girl Mango and a new way forward for Inuit
Xmo019 Member
8 posts
7 topics
Minecraft: Xmo019
6 months ago
In a sudden turn of events The Inuit Empire has joined with COA resulting in the current Minister of War and 2nd in command for the Inuit Empire(E Girl Mango) leaving the nation and it is uncertain who will fill her void and she has taken nearly all Old Alaskans  from Eko’s Nation with her.
In addition too that already crazy events the Inuit leader (Hollow Hex) has announced that he will be leaving too fight in Ukraine in a month and is stepping down too enjoy life and as such a new Inuit Leadership has been announced consisting of the Player (Blue_ghost) will be ruling over the Australian Nation and the Player (Cats_are_mean or Xmo019) who will be ruling over the Mainland. Both leaders will be equals and rule the nation together
The Inuit Empire will pursue a new way forward from the old Alaskslvedate ways while honoring are greatest leader and founding father Hollowhex 


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