ok, many people might not like this (pvpers) just because they are against me in nations fights, but, i can tell u that i won't be personally ranked on the list if u insist, and i will have testers including nordic testers. basically how it works is that one of the testers will duel the guy that would like to be tested, and after some duels the tester will decide his rank and tell the other testers about it too, since server is small almost everybody knows about eachother so every tester can participate in tier list decision of individual. however tier list can be decreased and increased depended on CCNet Nations sieges stats aswell, battle iq, skill of fighting, tricks, kills, all included. list works pretty simply, its popular way, there are 5 tiers, tier 1, tier 2, tier 3, tier 4, tier 5. howerer, there are also tier lows and highs in one tier. for example in tier 5 its high tier 5 and low tier 5. low tier 5 is weaker than high tier 5. so basically strongest is high tier 1 and weakest is low tier 5 on the whole list. i will read and accept all suggestions that will imporve the list and mechanics about it. it will be fun :) let's give it a shot, we might even have discord channel which announces certain players and their list, and maybe make a file with whole list