Some towny resources are good, some are bad and some are just low quantity to be useful. This suggestion is to buff the ones that are low quantity and to remove the fully useless ones. Most people would rather have a good resource at really low amount than useless one at any amount. Towny resources should also be compacted automatically, raw iron into raw iron blocks, wheat into haybales. clay into clay blocks and so on
- Copper is given in low quantities, 32-64 compared to 128+ of what we get for iron
- Clay is like 1.5 stacks of blocks
- Mushrooms are useless
- Im not sure about wool quantity
- Feathers are complete garbage
- All types of meat are 1 stack, i feel like it could be made quite good if its 2 or 3 stacks
- Prismarines im not sure, maybe some people use it for building but those people are a minority
- Wheat, melons and cactus are a joke amount, you get those if you are already able to farm them and it doesnt really give you an amount that is higher than what you can get within 5 minutes of work
- Uranium is also questionable but im not sure
Either that or ability to reroll specific tier towny resources or to fully clean up and remove every survey from your town and start again without having to remake towns multiple times or merge into other towns which people are already doing on nations