As it right now stands, SF Custom crops are entities with possibly some data (i wouldn't know how that actually works so I won't talk about it again). Now we all know that a lot of entities will cause a lot of frames lost.. With the new biofuel feature, we would need to grind a lot of corn to get a decent amount of biofuel but if we want to grind a lot of corn then we would need a big farm because we don't want to wait for hours just to only get 8 bucket of biofuel.
So the problem is that SF crops cause frame drops because of them being entities.
Like 4 layers of corn of a 2 chunk corn farm is already killing my fps (I have a great pc with performance mods installed for refference) from the usual 150 down to 30 fps and I only get 2016 corn or 63 buckets of bio fuel
(which compared to the sugarcane rate and the oil grinding rate, is nothing) so if you want to make biofuel viable, fix it please. Other cases might also pop up where someone needs to grind a lot of a specific custom crop
So please find a fix to sf crops or revert back to the old system.