Make nations able to claim large amounts of land costing little little liiiiiitttttle money. Like wild claims in towny. Town claims stay unchanged. Wild claims have pvp on and everything like towny. Sieges are removed. Yep. New sieges: enemy coleader or chancellor or whatever places flag outside of enemy wild claim with with allied (enemy coaleader or chancellors nation) town within 500 blocks. Beacons are generated in enemy wild chunks. You can only enter wild chunks exposed to unclaimed chunks or to your chunks (to prevent running right into enemy claims and grabbing all the chunks around their capital.) and stand near the beacon for a while to claim that chunk for your nation. The chunk would become “occupied” and then chunks near the occupied chunk would be allowed entry for attacking. This way it wouldnt be focused on a single fort and instead around a large area allowing for more realistic battles and big long walls (like the great wall of china) and trenches and good stuff like that. Which would be very very very good.
Once a chunk is occupied it will require 3$ per chunk to vassal it, once a chunk is vassal for 3 weeks it would become a part of wild claims of the nation.
Also for stupid people the attacked nation can take back chunks occupied by the enemy nation and cannon launches are allowed in wild claims and to prevent freaky people abusing vanilla minecraft features (mining) give them light mining fatigue in warzones however dont make war tunnels (gurrilla tackticks) impossible, just build them before war starts and the area is still peacefull.
Idfs any bad reason for this (other than its probably for nation 3 and its gonna destroy the brains of developers) and its well balanced.
Would provide even more reasons to not have big tall chunky forts and give more reason for movecraft and guns etc etc