I believe that shields at the moment are OP and generally make the siege experience less fun for most people, if you pull out an axe to disable an experienced shield player simply crits you in the face. Secondly even if you do manage to disable their shield a lot of them simply turn around and run until their shield is back or just pearl away.
People can easily abuse shields in 1 by 1-ns, ganks and more.
I really think that most people can agree that shields makes sieges and pvp less fun.
Shields should be reworked and changed so that they are not the meta but instead a support/utility. Raising the shield cooldown would work very well aswell, it should be If a player's shield is disabled with an axe they can still attack you while you have to wait to swap back to your sword. What is suggest is :
Only allow players to hold up their shield for a short amount of time (2-3 seconds) and then put it on cooldown.
The cooldown on using a Shield after it has been disabled should be 5-6 seconds.