Fighters are extremely op and are the meta currently. They are the corvettes of this time, except they are ten times more op.
A fighter can outrun any craft in the server, rotate, stop and fluctuate and destroy anything in his way. Its also the cheapest military craft, as you just need a sf setup to make one, so you can just massprint them and just sink 20 of them until you do enough damage as 1 dread sink equates to 90 fighter sinks (and not even that as we're considering block number not type).
Before coming to staff we tried EVERY possible thing, AA trucks instasink as they have no armor and fighters eat them, Zeppelins stay ultra far and next to claims so its basically useless to try to sink them, punch bows are useless as you can just make cabins and pillars are useless as you can outrun + they sometimes are iligal.
Solution A
Removing the ability of stopping the cruise of a fighter, making so it cant fluctuate in the air. This would make not only the fighter more realistic but it would render aiming harder and defense easier.
Solution B
Greatly nerf the damage that fighters do by making concrete feel like dread terracotta to fighter gun shots, this would render fighters very harder to use and more good of a target
Solution C
Boost any cannon against them by making fighters 1 shot by any cannon shot independently to where it hit.
Solution D
Remove zeppelins from carrier aircraft list.
Solution E
Remove fighters altogether and make bombers the standard.
Let me know what you think, if you have anything against this tell me your reasons in the comments :D also say in the comment what the best solution would be.