In the previous dev blog, I announced CampaignWar (CW), an experimental war plugin of ours that is currently in development and is designed for its own gamemode. The astute among you, however, may have noticed that Nations PvP is unsuitable for CW. The frontlines are fluid; provinces may exchange hands multiple times throughout a single war, and you may attack an enemy province surrounded by other enemy provinces. In short, there is no guarantee that a friendly resupply base capable of holding hundreds of chests of potions will be nearby.
A different combat system is needed for CW; it is also an opportunity to try something different.¹ The objective of the one presented in this blog is to create a cohesive melee and guns experience while simultaneously expanding the number of possible playstyles and combat roles. Of course, remember that everything in here (particularly specific values) are subject to continuous change and balancing.
A good way to begin thinking about this system is to take Nations PvP and remove the following features:
- Potions
- Debuff arrows
- Shields
- Protection, Blast Protection and Fire Protection enchants
- Fire Aspect and Knockback enchants
- Sharpness 4 and 5
These removals might sound radical - perhaps even extreme at first - but there are some substitutes and replacements, as we shall see.
Melee Weapons
While vanilla’s swords remain, new melee weapons have been added alongside them:
The Katana sacrifices damage for mobility: its crits inflict less damage but give their user Speed II for 2 seconds.
Most crucially, right-clicking with a katana will activate the Dash ability, which causes you to leap forwards. Hits made while dashing and jumping inflict twice as much damage and knockback.
The Cutlass exchanges damage for a modestly increased attack speed and the ability to inflict AoE damage. When a Cutlass damages an enemy, it also damages all entities within the 2x1x1 cuboid centered on it. The Cutlass can also activate Dash – but whereas dashing with a Katana causes you to leap forwards, doing so with a Cutlass will cause you to leap backwards.
M1 Trench Knife
The M1 Trench Knife is a throwable weapon with a high attack speed. Throwing the knife and scoring a hit gives the user Speed 2 momentarily. Like a loyalty trident, the knife returns to its user after being thrown. Hitting an enemy from behind inflicts double damage and gives the user Speed 3 momentarily; this bonus also applies to thrown knives.
Note, however, that the knife suffers from decreased base damage and reach (-1 block). It also does not deal knockback, which may be either good or bad depending on your playstyle.
Cavalry Combat
Like on Nations, hits made while on horseback inflict more damage with the size of this boost depending on the speed of the horse (+1.5% per m/s). But unlike on Nations, the horse-rider also takes more damage at the same rate - there is a trade-off between offense and defence.
The damage boost is doubled for the two designated cavalry weapons: the Lance and Cavalry Sabre.
The Lance is a weapon intended to be used from horseback. It can:
- Hit enemies up to 5 blocks away
- Skewer through multiple enemies
- Inflict more damage when damaging enemies from behind
- Activate a Cavalry Charge when right-clicked while on horseback
But these advantages are offset by its:
- Slow attack speed
- Penalty to movement speed while held
- Extremely low durability
Cavalry Charge
The Cavalry Charge ability has a duration of 6 seconds and has a 30 second cooldown. For its duration, the horse:
- Receives Speed 3
- Does not rear when damaged
- Damages and knocks back all enemies that it collides with. The size of both effects are determined by the horse's speed
After the charge concludes, the horse suffers from Slowness 2 for 3 seconds.
Cavalry Sabre
The Cavalry Sabre is a weapon intended to be used from horseback. Both its attack speed and reach are greater than normal (+13% and +0.5 blocks respectively), and it inflicts AoE damage similarly to the Cutlass - although the damage cuboid is 2.5 blocks wide rather than 2 blocks. However, it does not inflict extra damage on crits, making it less useful when dismounted.
Horse Armour
Horse armour is stronger than in vanilla, but in a different way than on Nations. For example, higher-tier horse armour has more defined drawbacks in the form of penalties to movement speed and jump height.
It is useful to see the effects of these values on a graph: the x-axis is damage inflicted (1 heart = 2 damage), and the y-axis is damage received after accounting for horse armour. The top line is leather, and each line downwards goes up a tier (so the bottom line is diamond).
Guns remain broadly the same - at least so far - but there are a few notable changes:
- Assuming you use no armour mods whatsoever (more on those later), gun damage received will be around 30% higher than on Nations. Armour mods can reduce this considerably.
- You can crawl (‘go prone’) using /crawl. This reduces bullet spread by 50%.
- If you are hit in melee while holding a primary weapon, you will be ‘stunned’ - prevented from using primary weapons for 3 seconds.
- There is an anti-tank grenade which sticks to ground vehicles. The grenade detonates after a few seconds, damaging concrete and terracotta.
While there are no potions, it is still possible to heal using bandages and medical kits.
- Heals 2 hearts.
- 24 second cooldown.
- Stackable to 3.
First Aid Kit
- Heals 4 hearts.
- 58 second cooldown.
- Stackable to 2.
Armour Modifications
Armour modifications (or “armour mods”) replace the Protection category of enchantments. Their purpose is to introduce meaningful choices into selecting combat loadouts by allowing players to specialise in mitigating specific kinds of damage. Each piece of armour can have one primary mod and one secondary mod.
Primary Modifications
Heavy Ballistic Plating
- -12% damage from rifles and machine guns
- -8% damage from sidearms
- -3.5% movement speed
Light Ballistic Plating
- -4% damage from rifles and machine guns
- -12% damage from sidearms
- -1.5% movement speed
Chainmail Plating
- -12% damage from melee weapons and melee mob attacks
- -4% damage from sidearms
Secondary Modifications
Heat Resistant Plating
- +25% chance of gaining momentary Fire Resistance when damaged
- -0.75% movement speed
Blast Resistant Plating
- -12% damage from explosions (including from cannons)
- -1.5% movement speed
Lightweight Plating
- -1 armour defence point
- +1.5% movement speed
We will be conducting a playtest of both this combat and the CW war system on Friday August 9 around 16:00 UTC. If you are interested in participating, feel free to reply to this post with your in-game and Discord usernames. Do also feel free to reply if you have any suggestions, questions or concerns regarding the features showcased in this blog.
¹ To be clear, this is designed for the CW 'test gamemode' mentioned in the previous dev blog. There are no plans to add this to Nations.
Last edited: 7 months ago x 4