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Warship Build Competition Entries
Topic Locked
galacticwarrior9 Admin Member
39 posts
22 topics
Discord: Zaify#5349
Minecraft: galacticwarrior9
over 2 years ago

Please reply to the thread with your submission and the following details:

  1. Screenshot(s) of your build
  2. A description of your build
  3. Either the coordinates of the build on the creative server, or a download link to a world or schematic containing the build
  4. Your in-game name
  5. If applicable, the in-game names of anyone who helped with your build, and their roles


DARK_HERO_X73 Member
1 posts
0 topics
over 2 years ago


AircraftCarrier: 6 4inch guns and 2 AA: 4 Bombers with 16 Bombs each. Located at: 1766 72 -4644 Builder Name: DARK_HERO_X73

x 7
Melkron Member
14 posts
1 topics
over 2 years ago

Dreadnought-"Roma" whit 8 14 inch naval guns
 coordinates -237 37 -606
Name: Melkron

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TheLastOreo Member
2 posts
0 topics
over 2 years ago

Dreadnought: 10x 12"
Coords: 378 215 -10

(also apparently the images get squished here so will need to open them to see them)

-Side note; not sure if multiple builds/submissions are allowed, but I've made one for each of the allowed ships. This is the one to keep if the other two don't count. Second and third submissions will be separate messages

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TheLastOreo Member
2 posts
0 topics
over 2 years ago


Cruiser: 2x 12", 6x 9"
Coords: 321 212 -6

-Second submission, remove if invalid

x 2 | x 2 | x 1
WitherV Member
17 posts
0 topics
Minecraft: WitherV
Discord: witherv#0000
over 2 years ago

My recreation of the planned but not constructed US battleship "USS Montana" also known as, "BB-67". It pilots as a Dreadnought, wields 10, 12″ guns across 4 turrets and has 6 AA guns.

Coordinates: -50, 300 -400, or just /plot visit WitherV

Builder name: WitherV


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Inductive_Llama Member
1 posts
0 topics
over 2 years ago


Dreadnought 8x 14"

A ship intended to be a heavy cruiser that got too tall and too detailed for its own good. Now it's a dreadnought.

2766, 100, -3920


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z4nityy Member
2 posts
0 topics
over 2 years ago

Bismarck, 960,-321, z4nityy

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cvn_ Member
5 posts
0 topics
over 2 years ago

Reyjkavik-class Dreadnought

Reykjavik-class Deadnought Type-2 w/4x14-Inch & 5x12-Inch

Movecraft server location -3054 80 4486

Designed by cvn_

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<p><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f8/Stylized_uwu_emoticon.svg/1200px-Stylized_uwu_emoticon.svg.png" alt="" width="120" height="46" /></p>
RuleBlocks Member
3 posts
0 topics
Discord: RuleBlocks#3985
Minecraft: RuleBlocks
over 2 years ago


Russian Slav class cruiser 

7235 Aircraft Carrier with dual 4 inch guns and alot of war crime rockets

coords: -385 106 -1238, RuleBlock's plot


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