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aliitsme Member
Registered:over 2 years ago
Last Seen:4 months ago
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Good response, I love the lack of response to anything I've said and instead disregarding it. Very mature.

~ The Mizuno Gazette ~ 8 months ago

Contrary to popular belief neither of you are in the alliance nor are part of leadership, feel free to consult Wxllop or Mangoooishere about the return of the ship DAYS prior to your issue releasing.


You must believe I am in a position where I am trembling in my boots at the thought of the alliance or china not assisting me :shivers:


The "treaty" between Alliance and Federation doesnt exist, I believe you are referring to the Imperium Romanums treaty with Cultist Empire and the alliance they have with china. If you open your mind you can understand Rome does not make up the entire alliance and if I truly truly wanted to I do have other options,

I can guarantee my over a year loyalty towards Rome that their is no scenario where they unally me over such a miniscule dilemma.

Also, who are you to know what goes on? You messaged Cosmic?


Do you understand how innapropriate it is to DM somebody to make contact with me simply because of your ego despite you had been Blocked and Ignored and requested to keep as far as possible from me.

If you felt your involvement because the design was yours then please do not worry, I have no intentions of copying your Armed Merchantsman design.


I recieved DM's from multiple people concerning the situation at 11 pm WHILST I was at work, because LadyArcane used that leverage to destroy the Alliance between UAE and China.


I'd feel happy to post the screenshots of Alaska being overly toxic to Alliance, UAE and me.


Please feel free to consult somebody who is actually versed in CCnet geopolitics within the Alliance such as GingfulGlider or RaidKeeper.


Please do not message somebody who is actively serving in the military and is more so involved in Romes politics and unaware of the full history between UAE and Alaska.



You claim other nations dislike UAE due to the lack of support in sieges, I remember providing immense support at the Beograd siege despite it being over ten thousand blocks away. Should I mention the 23 thousand blocks I travelled for the Empire Of Columbia siege? the multiple people we brang to the pvp regions in our worst timezones? the immense support at Kremlin whilst I was being sieged?


In what scenario does the UAE not have heavy influence and military power within the alliance.


Feel free to enlighten me of those opinions on that the UAE does not support at other nations sieges.


What nations feel this way? I will be sure to bring it up and ask the alliance leadership if the UAE is truly the rock in sand.


Evidently you have no basis on evidence and simply feel the need to initiate conversation with me for no reason whatsoever, it is Alliance wide public news that the ship was returned.


Please help me understand the United Asian Emirates and its problems within the alliance because as we all know MMiqa and Ashes43 have top leadership roles.


~ The Mizuno Gazette ~ 8 months ago

 This sparked an immediate response from the Alliance High Command, who condemned UAE and Aliitsme's actions, and relations between the Alliance and UAE have since gone cold.



Is this why our military leader TwilightEdge got praised for leading the assault region?  LOL


The ship was returned over a week ago and relations with China have been mended and allied.


The "Alliance" does not condemn UAE nor does head leadership because the United Asian Emirates IS an alliance leader. 

**Although it started off strong, the leader of the United Asian Emirates, Aliitsme, attacked and killed a Chinese member while carrying out a cargo contract and stole their ship.**

The UAE has a massive influence in politics within the alliance and the relationship between UAE and Imperium Romanum will never dissolve.


I am all for player news but lying is just NOT it.

~ The Mizuno Gazette ~ 8 months ago






The NCR-Alaskan Crisis 9 months ago

the nasrid emirate!!!

Thracian_Dominion Sentenced to Death 9 months ago