Yeah yeah the "nerf guns!!!! hes a purist pvper!!!! dont nerf guns!!! work as a team"
Guns are way to overpowered. CCnet player versus player has become a full force Gun PVP and even the best enemy PvPers who originate and have MAINED "purist" pvp servers are now using guns. Explain why Fqrtex, somebody who lives for PvP is using a gun.
"Just pull out guns of your own" Yeah so when we pull out gunspammers you pull out double the amount?
Purely gunpvp isnt fun.
credit to rxdd1234 or whatever his name is for actually encouraging pvp whcih they have the numbers ofr.
i dont care about winning or losing i just want to have fun.
but this isnt funthat every time i go outside i get one tapped by guns at 260 ms
wit hthe entire enemy team at 10ms they can gunspam so ez
but my shots are so delayed i cant hit sm1 standing still.
guns arent a primary pvp source.
put the bad people on guns and the pvpers with swords
a mix;
nothing should ever be solely movecraft
or solely sword pvp
or solely gunspam
the enemy side has ADMITTED to knowing how broken it is.
and we need to nerf guns because no amount of skill or prep will win if the enemy team has more.
and for the @everyone in coaltion council chat, dont worry i have spies and i will see it.