Ganks should'nt be removed completely, but it has different parts, such as leg cutters. If u fall in a leg cutter gank, with someone on the other side you are definetly dead, only way to escape if u get lucky enough to pearl out, if the gank is not too deep. Leg Cutters should be considered illegall on CCnet, they are disgusting and ruins fun. This would also give a chance to the guy, that fall in ganks to win the fight. I think that everyone who ever experienced falling in leg cutter ganks, will agree with this, there should be a rule against this, or something like that. With the removal there would be a chance, to escape and win fair fights in enemy claims. If u have never seen one/experienced one theres a clip of one. https://medal.tv/games/minecraft/clips/hYGRG_PlUJ39s/d1337uxyfyPZ?invite=cr-MSxkNjksNTc5MjYzOTks