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Experimental Plugin Dev Blog #8 - Commander Mode
galacticwarrior9 Admin Member
39 posts
22 topics
Discord: Zaify#5349
Minecraft: galacticwarrior9
12 days ago

Click here to read the previous dev blog (#7) - Border Raids and Naval Battles

This is a very short dev blog that showcases a CampaignWar feature that I find quite cool and believe will assist the command and control element of battles: commander mode. This gives a player designated as a "commander" the ability to observe the battlefield of a provincial attack from a birds-eye view, like so:

I can move between the chunks by tapping WASD. Notice how the chunks are coloured green. This indicates that they are friendly - enemies do not control them. Enemy-controlled chunks are coloured red, while chunks that are under attack by allies and enemies are coloured lime and pink respectively.

In commander mode, all players will appear to glow for me. This makes it easier for me to distinguish between allies (who glow green) and enemies (who glow red).

I can also highlight blocks for friendly players by left-clicking them. This spawns a temporary, fake beacon that only they can see, and sends them a notification alerting them of this fact.

It is probable that entering commander mode will be restricted to certain locations, e.g. FOBs and Barracks buildings.

Of course, I am passive while in commander mode. I cannot use it to attack others, nor enter it while in combat. I also can't use it to travel or breach defenses. In this respect, it is not dissimilar to Movecraft periscopes.

Let me know in the replies if you have any suggestions or comments about this feature!

Last edited: 12 days ago x 2
DonbassBaka Member
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Minecraft: DonbassBaka
12 days ago

The whole concept is really cool and It would be nice to get the highlight feature on nations too, it'd be really good for movecraft coordination, such as highlighting targets and etc

Unexplained_ Member
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Minecraft: Unexplained_
12 days ago

Very Sigma imo

Last edited: 12 days ago

He who comes near the sigma aura will sure perish

Perpltxed Moderator
19 posts
3 topics
Minecraft: Perpltxed
12 days ago

another banger CW post

LuciusDrakov Member
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11 days ago

Cool stuff, mayhaps the commander could be given certain types of Buffs that they can spawn. So just these visual beacons but with special effects applied to them, for example speed effects when commander orders to push somewhere and players get in range of this push beacon or some hold the ground order that provides with resistance as long as they hold their position... With cool downs ofc and maybe even turn it into a consumable product, generated in some buildingĀ 

DaHoodedBoss Member
2 posts
1 topics
Minecraft: DaHoodedBoss
4 days ago

I think this is great for organising attacks and making opposite nations do strategical moves